4/4/07- Log In Date (LID) 10/21/09- Matched with Yong Jiang Shuang 10/23/09- Letter of Intent (LOI) 11/12/09- Pre-Approval (PA) 12/2/09- Letter Seeking Confirmation (LSC) 12/28/09- Rec'd China Travel Visas 1/4/10- Travel Approval (TA) 1/21/10-2/6/10- Travel Dates
I have been married to the most laid-back and kind-hearted man alive for over thirteen years and we have been blessed with two beautiful daughters. Both of our girls were born in China. Jillian is our funny & excitable five year old and our Sarah Martin currently awaits us in Hunan Province, China. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist taking a few years off to be a full-time Mom and I LOVE every minute of it!